Sixteen years and still going strong—that is the Crusade Against Cancer.  The Crusade was formed to develop mechanisms by which monies raised in this community were used to support the cancer patients and their families directly.  The dollars raised in the community stay in the community.  The Crusade has raised over $394,000 and assisted more than 213 patients with expenses not covered by insurance, such as medications, medical bills, housing expenses and gas cards, to name a few.  The Crusade Against Cancer is a local, fully-volunteer organization that coordinates four fund-raising events during the year and is supplemented by generous contributions from numerous groups and events.  The Crusade has been supported in these activities by The Community Foundation of the Hermann Area, Inc.  Recently, the Crusade has obtained 501 (c)(3) status from the IRS which conveys our own tax-exempt, nonprofit status.  With that in hand, the Crusade formed a Board of Directors and developed a website HERMANNCRUSADEAGAINSTCANCER.COM .  We encourage you to view this site for the latest information.

The first event this year was Trivia Night which was held on March 12 at The Missouri Bank

The second event will be The Fashion Show and Luncheon to be held at Valentine Hall on Saturday, May 7 at 10 AM, with lunch at 11:30 AM.   Local merchants will show their latest fashions; various items, such as fashions, jewelry, skincare products, etc., will be available for purchase.  The show will include an auction with a once-in-a-lifetime quilt, theme baskets from the Crusade Against Cancer Committees and other items.

The Celebration of Life will be held at Oak Glenn Winery in Hermann on Friday, June 10 at 6 PM. This event is open to the public; it’s the time when the community gathers to celebrate those who survived and to mourn those who have lost their lives to cancer.  An interesting evening of activities is being planned with the annual meal to include chicken and hog and entertainment from Vernon Kohlbusch.  Mike Clark will oversee the gun raffle, live and silent auctions, and possibly other raffles. A cash bar will be available for your pleasure.  Hermann-famous ice cream will be available to top off your evening.  The Celebration will also include the candle ceremony—the reading of names of survivors and those who have lost the battle against cancer. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the evening and experience the Crusade

The fourth event this year is the Golf Tournament which will be on Monday, September 12 at the Loutre Shore Country Club with registration at 10 AM and tee-off at 11 AM.  Prizes for 3 flights plus many other prizes will be available. More information will be coming in a later issue of this publication.

For more information on any of the three remaining events, especially those with auction items or those willing to help, please call Paula at 573-220-5565.  

CARL W. PIERCE  486-2837